Mar 14, 2011

All fresh and new!

There! Now I have spent a few hours fixing the blog and I have to say I'm pretty pleased. And as you can see, I made a new header too. I love it! I smile everytime I see those pictures, especially the one with little Zach. I miss that little guy! Tiny man♥

Right now I'm getting my daily dose of days! Daily dose of days...that sounded so funny! haha, I have said before, they don't show this years days here, I think it is 2007 they are showing. At least Ciara is just a baby and Shawn, Belle and Claire are stil on Tinda Lao. Philip acctually just arrived there for the second time, trying to take Claire away. His face was priceless when the police said he couldn't let him do it!

-I love days of our lives... I love the drama, the intrigerna, the love and romance, the humor. But most of all, I love the way days of our lives lets me forget about the real world for an hour, just letting me live in Salem. I love it! Acctually, I wish I could live in Salem! Despite the drama, intriger and awfulness(that happens sometimes), it seems so lovely! Salem in my heart♥

and this is what we call 'a cover up' ?!

Trying not to think about that I haven't written in two whole months(holy cheesecake!) I don't know how it happened but I somehow managed to forget that this blog existed, I'm sorry! How the h*ll could I, how stupid am I?! No, but seriously, I haven't thought about this blog for a while. Didn't have much to write so I guess that's why...

Anyways, I'm gonna do a little makeover here! Not much, just som colors maybe and stuff. You'll see! I am at least 110% sure that the header and background remains! At least the header. For sure. Or maybe I will make a new one? header I mean. I can at least try. The worst thing I could do is fail right? Geez, wish me luck! I'm gonna need it I think, hah!