May 13, 2010

You've given me everything

Sometimes I wonder, how much do people actually give you? Isn't there this saying ''We never touch people so lightly that we don't leave a trace''? I believe that is true. For starter, my siblings have been given me everything, the world. I'm the youngest in my family so I'm everybodys little sister. My siblings helps me when I need help, they give me rides when I'm going somewhere, they call and asks if I want to hang out and they invite me to partys. I know what you think, her siblings invites her to drink?! Maybe they do, but I see it as i learn how it is. How drunk people acts and how much alcohol can harm you. I can honestly say that I have been drinking many times and I have been drunk but I believe that teenagers need to learn their lesson on their own. I don't say that you should encourage teenagers to drink but you shouldn't be angry with them if they do. Maybe they learned their lesson that one time and will never do it again. Or they will continue, we don't know.

But this wasn't what I was suppose to talk about. I talked about my siblings.. I love them even if we fight sometimes. But we are still siblings, together, connected forever. And as I said, they have been given me everything and they will continue to do that the rest of all our lives. As my parents, everyone gives me something. WE NEVER TOUCH PEOPLE SO LIGHTLY THAT WE DON'T LEAVE A TRACE.

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