Sep 14, 2010

Dr. Romano has it all wrong, ER doesn't stand for EveryonesRetarded ;)

Just have to make one thing clear. As I said in the last post, there's never ever gonna be another show like ER. I still stick to that but..I am also totally and completely in love with the show Bones. ER and Bones are my darlings. Yeah yeah, I sounds like a total geek but hey! I like to think that it's flattering for those who makes the shows and those who are in it, when someone says they love it and really mean it. Like Noah Wyle, Sherry Stringfield, Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz. That's one of the questions I would ask them if I got the chance to meet them, is it flattering when someone really loves what you do? I guess I already know the answer. If it would be me, I would totaly love it. And wouldn't it be just a little flattering if someone, except your family, love something about you? Not love love,

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're still writing about ER - it just goes to show what a great programme it was if we're still talking about it now.

    I was watching an old episode last night and it just happened to be the one where Romano was squashed by the helicopter - serves him right for the Everyone's Retarded comment.

    K x
