Aug 16, 2010

Happy b-day!

Better late than never, happy birthday Joe Jonas! And I wish you many many more.

Aug 14, 2010

Joe Jonas

Still obsessed with Joe Jonas. I just started thinking and he is, as far as I know, the most perfect man in the world. I don't know exactly how he is in person but I saw this video on youtube, two videos actually, where he took these girls up on stage(Think the girls were between 4 and 6?!? maybe) . He even had one of them in his arms but both of them sang with him. It was the cutest thing and my heart melted. And Joe himself looked sooo adorable up there, holding the girls, singing with them and laughing that cute laugh of his. And that smile..that you get to see so so much in Camp rock, ohmygosh! Cute and hot.

I think I have watched Camp rock 5 times in less than a month and I want to see Camp rock 2 the final jam! I haven't found one yet with Swesubs, even though Engsubs is enough, but since I watched Camp rock with Swesubs would like to watch Camp rock 2 the final jam with Swesubs too. Is that too much to ask? :)