Aug 12, 2011

Serious as a heartattack

Since the last time i wrote, a lot of things has happened. For exampel, me, the idiot, forgot the e-mail adress and password for this blog. You must be really stupid if you do that haha. But to my defence, I have three e-mail adresses and two of them is and one is, so then it's not easy to know if it's, or Especially when you don't know the password either.

Jumping to another subject. I'm so super excited about Days right now. As I have told you guys several times, they don't show this years episodes of Days here. Think they are showing episodes from 2007. Either way, it is the storyline with André and how he took Roman as a hostage. And in today's episode he release him, but took Hope instead! OH MY GOD! It's so exciting! :) I love when one of my favorites are in an accident, hurt etc. Weird, I know, but truly the thing I love is when the knight in shining armor comes in on his white horse and saves his beloved. In this case, Bo. Bo Bo Bo Brady. I love it when he rescues Hope, it's so super romantic! :) Can't wait for it to be monday so I can see what happens next, and how romantic it is when Bo rescues his Hope. Stay tuned for my reaction on monday! haha

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