Jun 22, 2010

I hate my life

I hate my dad. I hate my family sometimes. I hate how angry dad is all the time. I hate his voice and I hate how selfish and stupid he is all the time.

He can be all nice around people but at home he talks behind their backs, especially my brothers ex-girlfriend. He always has, even when they were together. He also complains about my brothers friends, my brother, me and my siblings. He talks about my friends and their parents like they were trash. I hate it so much! I hate how jealous he is of everybody and the complains of us not having money. I hate how he complains about my brother not taking responsibility and how disapointed he seems on me and my brother. He isn't over our my other siblings. I know my brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes but I love him.

One of my brothers are ''only'' our half brother. We ''only'' have the same mother. And even if he lived with us and not his dad, my dad don't seem to like him. And my brothers kids, he's always ''mad'' or in a bad mood when he is around them. He isn't like that with his other grandchild. I think it is because she is his ''real'' grandchild and the others aren't. It's so wrong, I hate that he does that.

I honestly take my siblings and my mothers side over my fathers. If my parents ever get a divorce, which I don't think they will, I would take my mothers side in a heartbeat, even though you shouldn't take sides. I feel like this now but I don't know how I would feel when it really happend. Since I'm 17, turning 18 in 10 months, I don't have to live with one of my parents. I hope I feel better when I move to my own place, cause God knows I'm not feeling good here. I'm not happy like I should here at all. America here I come?

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